jueves, 22 de enero de 2009

My Learning English process with Lisette Lunar

In English III, with the professor Lissette Lunar, I had the opportunity to improve my writing, my reading and also my oral qualities. The activities we had done throughout the semester let me learn to redact in an academic way. Because, in first place, I had read some texts that I used as reference, for example: Distance Education and Albert Bandura. At the same time, I practiced writing several texts, some in class and others making use of technologic tools like modulo 7 and this blog. In this mode I was able to identify my weakness and work on them.

In the same way, my vocabulary had growth, I have learned some writing techniques and some rhetoric structures, and I review the transitional signals used in English.

Because all of that, I feel more capable to organize my ideas at the time to write a text in this language and, I think that I have more resources to elaborate the arguments and the supports to achieve a success paragraph in consistent

1 comentario:

Lisette dijo...

Great! I am happy to see you enjoyed your classes. Keep on practicing!
Prof Lunar